Web-resource to perform mathematical operations on fuzzy numbers and intervals
Олексій Вадимович Анісімов
Cherkasy State Technological University
Вячеслав Петрович Салій
Cherkasy State Technological University
Юрій Васильович Триус
Cherkasy State Technological University
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fuzzy sets
fuzzy logic
fuzzy numbers and intervals

How to Cite

Анісімов, О., Салій, В., & Триус, Ю. (2017). Web-resource to perform mathematical operations on fuzzy numbers and intervals. New Computer Technology, 15, 145-149. https://doi.org/10.55056/nocote.v15i0.620
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The aim of this study is a web-resource designed to perform mathematical operations on fuzzy numbers and intervals submitted by in different formats, and provide students with theoretical information about these operations online. The objectives of the study are: analysis of different forms of representation of fuzzy numbers and intervals; development of web-resource to perform of unary and binary mathematical operations with fuzzy numbers and intervals. The object of the research is the process of teaching students computer specialties of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic and them by practical application. The subject of research is the web-resource to perform mathematical operations on fuzzy numbers and intervals submitted by in different formats. The results of the study will be used in teaching students of computer specializations of technical universities.

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