Using a Wolfram|Alpha web-service in the physics study
Микола Анатолійович Слюсаренко
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
Наталя Анатоліївна Хараджян
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
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computer mathematics systems
Wolfram|Alpha web-service
physics study

How to Cite

Слюсаренко, М., & Хараджян, Н. (2017). Using a Wolfram|Alpha web-service in the physics study. New Computer Technology, 15, 180-184.
PDF (Українська)


The aim of the research is the analysis the possibilities of using web-based system Wolfram|Alpha in the physics study. Objectives of the study is the consideration of possibilities of using web-based system Wolfram|Alpha in the physics study. The object of the research is using the computer mathematics systems in the physics study. The subject of the research is using web-based computer mathematics systems in the physics study. Some methods of research were used for achievement the research purposes: analysis of scientific and methodical sources devoted to the computer mathematics systems and visualization of the obtained results. The results of the research are the analysed possibilities of using web-based system Wolfram|Alpha in the physics study. Conclusions: it is expedient to use web-based system Wolfram|Alpha in the physics study as an auxiliary tool for solving problems, finding reference data, visualization of the obtained solutions.

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