Using the HN-MOOC platform to support learning in secondary schools
Юрий Николаевич Богачков
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
Юлиана Валентиновна Яковенко
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
Павел Станиславович Ухань
Institute of Information Technology and learning tools NAPS of Ukraine
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distance learning

How to Cite

Богачков, Ю., Яковенко, Ю., & Ухань, П. (2015). Using the HN-MOOC platform to support learning in secondary schools. New Computer Technology, 13, 190-193.
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The goal – testing the author’s conception Hybrid network Massive open online courses (HN-MOOC) in real educational practice of secondary school. Tasks – training of teachers working in an environment HN-MOOC; development of classifiers in the subjects and teaching materials; creating individual copyright thematic sheets; trial training students. The object of study – distance learning environment for Hybrid network Massive open online courses (HN-MOOC). Subject of research – the organization of educational interaction among HN-MOOC. Method of research: experiment. A prototype based on the services of Google. The entry point In the prototype, the following main components: user authentication, lists of items subject classifications in subjects management training elements, binding abilities (skills) to the themes and educational elements. Developed a form of thematic sheets on which the educational interaction of students and teachers.

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