Web-oriented software for evaluation of the risk of enterprise bankruptcy
Ліна Юріївна Гуляйло
Cherkasy National University by named Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Юрій Васильович Триус
Cherkasy State Technological University
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enterprise bankruptcy
methods for assessing the level of risk of bankruptcy
web-oriented software

How to Cite

Гуляйло, Л., & Триус, Ю. (2015). Web-oriented software for evaluation of the risk of enterprise bankruptcy. New Computer Technology, 13, 300-304. https://doi.org/10.55056/nocote.v13i0.919
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The aim of this work is to create web-oriented software for evaluation of the risk of enterprise bankruptcy. Research objectives: to analyze the most common methods of quantitative evaluation of the risk of bankruptcy; create a web-oriented software that implements quantitative methods for assessing the level of risk of bankruptcy online. The object of the study is quantitative methods for assessing the level of risk of bankruptcy. Subject of research is web-oriented software for evaluation of the risk of bankruptcy. The practical result is the creation web-oriented software that implements modern quantitative methods for assessing the level of risk of bankruptcy.

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