The problem of designing a digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses (Estonian experience)
Наталія Володимирівна Сороко
Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine
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massive open online courses
digital learning ecosystem
cloud computing
development of teachers’ information and communication competency

How to Cite

Сороко, Н. (2019). The problem of designing a digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses (Estonian experience). New Computer Technology, 17, 64-70.
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Research goals: analyze of the scientists experience of Estonia for the design of digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses and distinguish the main stages and tools for the design of massive online courses. Research objectives: define the basic concepts of the research “Digital learning ecosystem” and “massive online courses” according to the analysis of scientific publications of Estonia scientists; describe the main stages of designing digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses, based on the experience of foreign researchers, including Estonia; define the basic requirements to tools for creating digital learning ecosystem and provide examples of such tools. Object of research: lifelong learning. Subject of research: creation of digital educational ecosystem massive online courses for the development of teachers’ information and communication competency. Research methods used: analysis of scientific publications. Results of the research. The study found that the world’s educational systems become the relevance massive open online courses. These courses are characterized by mass production and distribution of knowledge that takes place in the context of open online education by using information and communication technologies, including cloud computing. For the implementation and effectiveness of these courses is necessary to create a special digital learning environment. Digital learning ecosystem is the result of a combination of network tools such as software, platform and other ICT users and their use by users with competences acquired through continuous use of these services in their daily and professional activities. The main conclusions and recommendations: 1. Massive open online courses are a significant solution for of the individual lifelong learning. Infrastructure such courses should provide maximum flexibility for the main activities of their members, in particular, practice, research, study. 2. The problem of designing massive open online courses can be solved through the creation of such digital learning ecosystem that will form a combination of network tools such as software, platform and other ICT users and their use with competencies acquired through continuous use of these services in daily and professional activities. 3. According to the analysis researches of Estonian scientists the digital learning ecosystem can be created through online tools that will support the creation of electronic educational resources, joint use of electronic educational resources the participants of the educational process, re-use of electronic educational resources the participants of the educational process, review and remixes all four components.

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