The didactic potential of cloud technologies in the study of computing disciplines by bachelors in system analysis
Оксана Федорівна Дяченко
Berdyansk state pedagogical University
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cloud technologies
didactic opportunities
didactic properties
ICT competence
bachelors in system analysis

How to Cite

Дяченко, О. (2019). The didactic potential of cloud technologies in the study of computing disciplines by bachelors in system analysis. New Computer Technology, 17, 159-162.
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Research goals: improvement of a technique of development of information and communication competence of students of specialty “System analysis” using cloud technologies in the process of studying technical disciplines. Research objectives: to reveal the didactic potential of cloud computing for the development of ICT competence of students while studying computing. Object of research: process of training of bachelors in system analysis. Subject of research: methods of development of ICT competence of bachelors in system analysis with the use of cloud technologies in teaching computing. The results of the study: refined didactic potential of cloud computing in teaching computing, which contributes to professional and practice-oriented focus of educational outcomes and development of ICT competence of bachelors in system analysis.

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